-ortu 90 teachers and trainers participated in a training course which included three programmes, the Psychosocial Support Programme and the Accelerated Learning Programme(ALP) and Basic Literacy and Numeracy Program (BLN) , in four districts : Ash-Shahil, Alkuaidinah, Qufl Shammer and Al-Mahabisha in Hajjjah governorate
– Training was carried out by RMENA For Human Relief and Development Organization and funded by Help Organization.
– These activities are part of the Education project * Strengthening the resilience of rural communities in the governorates of Hajjah and Al Dalea’a through access to quality education and livelihood oppnities *.
– Nabil Al-Khazan, a trainer in the Psychological Support Programme, says that the training aims to develop teachers’ skills to provide psychological support to children affected by conflict or any other effects and help them meet the challenges of education.
– One of the trainers * Mohammed Elsheikh * says that the training aims to create a safe and convenient educational environment for all.
– As Jahish says, * The training of the Accelerated Learning Programme , aims to provide education for disadvantaged children and young people who are over the age limit and those who are not attending school or whose studies have been disrupted due to poverty, conflict or other causes.
– Trainers indicate that this type of training is important for teachers because it gives them an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about the trends that make teachers more enjoyable in teaching.
3 gune 2024