– On Saturday: 8-6-2024 the training programmes in the following training areas were concluded: Accelerated learning Programme , Psychological support, and Basic Literacy and Numercy Programme and calculation of 78 trainees in the four districts as follows: Ash-shahil, Alkuaidinah, Qufl Shamr, and Al-Mahabasha
– Training was carried out by RMENA * Humanitarian Relief and Development Organization and funded by Help *
– These activities are part of the project’s activities to promote the resilience of rural communities in the governorates of Hajjah and Al Dalea’a through access to quality education and livelihood opportunities. *
– The conclusion was attended by the directors of education in the districts and the coordinator and every one from the directors attend the conclusion of the training in their districts, and they(the education directorate ) praised the efforts of the trainers and participants during the training period.
– During this visit to the training centres in the target districts, the project coordinator expressed his pleasure at seeing the participants’ success and keen interest in receiving training at a high pace.
– Participants also expressed their desire to continue such motivational and revitalization activities for teachers in order to acquire the skills necessary to improve the educational process. They are ready to carry out their mandated tasks in the field actively and attentively to enhance performance and effectiveness.
1 Comment on training programmes in the following training areas were concluded: Accelerated learning Programme , Psychological support, and Basic Literacy and Numercy Programme and calculation of 78 trainees in the four districts as follows: Ash-shahil, Alkuaidinah, Qufl Shamr, and Al-MahabashaUncategorized